The Advance of the Gospel

Yesterday I had the pleasure of spending time with Dennis Saffold. That was special to me because in March, 1974 Dennis told me the gospel and God saved me. We had a great time recounting that day when I was sitting at the Tommy Trojan statue on the campus of USC and Dennis approached me with the Good News of Jesus Christ. We also marveled at how God worked because prior to that time I had never been to church, never read the Bible, and never heard the gospel. However I was convicted that I was a sinner and I was eager to trust Christ as the Savior I needed for the forgiveness of all my sin.

But the gospel not only brings forgiveness but also new life in Christ and I was changed that day. And once someone has tasted the life we have in Christ they want to spread it to others. Dennis and I talked about the effect that him bringing the gospel to me has had and how many people have now been transformed as the gospel has advanced.

For example, later in 1974 I shared the gospel with my younger brother, Scott, and God saved him as well. For the last 28 years Scott has been teaching in a Christian school and reaching students with the Good News.

We have seen this Good News advance through the next generation as well. Roberta and I have three sons. We taught them the gospel and the Lord has saved them as well. Bobby, Billy, and Ben are all serving as pastors and countless more people have heard the Good News through them and God has saved many more.

Dennis and I could have never seen this coming on that March day in 1974, but God did. He is seeking out lost sinners and saving them through the gospel message being passed on from one person to another.

I hope this short testimony will encourage you. Maybe some of you need to turn to Christ for forgiveness and new life. Maybe others of you need to be encouraged to pass on the Good News that has been brought to you. Just like when Dennis brought the Good News to me, you never know what the Lord might do and how many people will be saved as a result.

God is Amazing and I am amazed!